Friday, January 7, 2011

Party Saturday after the Meet

The Siegles will graciously host our second team and family party of the season this coming Saturday, after the Holland Christian Mid-season Invitational. Athletes and families can make their way over to Siegle's house right after the meet. This party is for the entire team - all athletes and families. It is NOT limited to those competing at the invitational in Holland.

The meet usually lasts 3-4 hours, so we expect folks to start arriving at Siegle's from Holland around 4:30 or 5:00pm, but this is only a rough estimate. For those of you attending the party but not the meet, we'll post a note on the website as soon as the meet ends. Twitter and Facebook followers will see that notice right away, and email followers will get an email within 30 minutes. That will give everyone time to start heading over to Siegle's.

Click here for a map to Siegle's house.

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