Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cedar Point on Wednesday this upcoming week!

Please let me know by 8:00pm Sunday if you are "IN" or "OUT" for the Cedar Point trip, if you are "IN", I will be ordering a ticket for you and you will need to pay me back.

Wednesday, June 29 is the date we will be going, the plan will be to leave from the high school at 5:30am-6:00am to arrive at 10:00am when the park opens.  Last time we left the park before it closed so we could get back before 12:00am.  I would not plan on staying any later than 8:00pm.  You will need to bring a lunch/supper or money to purchase at the park.  Everything at the park is always expensive so I'll plan on bringing a couple coolers and we can eat in the parking lot.

It's always a great day of fun, the cost will be $40-$60 depending if we need to take multiple vehicles, etc.  Incoming 9th graders are more than welcome to join us for the trip.  I will send an update before we leave on Wednesday with updated information.

Please let me know if you are "IN" or "OUT" by Sunday at 8:00pm!

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